First on Mission (FOM) is the Global Mission Offering of First Baptist Owensboro, consisting of five major offerings. We encourage our church family to give to FOM any time throughout the year. When you give to FOM, you are supporting mission work from Kentucky to the ends of the world.
How do I contribute to FOM?
- Through online giving.
- By using the designated envelopes available in the pew or the church office.
- By Kiosk in the foyer outside our Worship Center
- Designating your offering to FOM through your regular giving. All checks should be made out to First Baptist Church with a designation to First on Mission.
Why does Lottie Moon receive so much more?
Lottie Moon receives the most because it is the largest area of ministry with the most people in darkness, the world!
Tithe to First Baptist Owensboro
Over 16% of your tithe goes to mission work here in Owensboro, across this nation, and to the ends of the earth. This includes around 10% that goes to the Cooperative Program, which supports Southern Baptist missionaries and their work here in Kentucky, across North America, and to the nations.
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