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Vacations With A Purpose

Vacations With A Purpose (VWAP) is a way for individuals or families to engage in mission opportunities during their vacation time.

Why have VWAP?

The number one reason people give for not being able to go on a mission trip is a schedule conflict.  We plan around six trips a year and they are scheduled months in advance with specific dates confirmed. Often these dates do not work in your schedule.

Where does VWAP take place?

The ultimate goal for VWAP: anywhere you go to vacation in the world, commit at least one day of ministry with a missionary, church planter, or mission agency during your vacation time.

First Baptist Owensboro has worked with church planters in Boston, MA, and Seattle, WA.  We are starting with these two cities, because we have great people in place to help you engage in ministry when you vacation there.

How does VWAP work?

  1. Set your vacation time in any of the cities mentioned above.
  2. Let our Mission Minister know when/where you are going.
  3. Suggest a day or two within that time frame for your availability.
  4. Give us a description of any mission experience you may have.  If this is your first trip, GREAT!
  5. The Mission Minister will get you connected to the individual or organization in your city and you & the city representative will make all arrangements.

What if I want to do VWAP but not Boston or Seattle?

The Mission Minister will try to connect you to meaningful ministry wherever you are going. From London, England, to London, KY, we want to help connect you with opportunities around this world.  We can’t promise that we can find a specific contact, but we will try.